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If You Want My Body


Glasgow Underground
GU885 | 2023-11-17  
We rarely see unreleased artists who have notched up DJ support from Jamie Jones and Amine Edge & Dance. But that's what happened when Morrocan-English producer Yazmina popped up in our inbox. However, when you listen to her incendiary debut, "If You Want My Body", it's not hard to see why. The young Hackney-based producer has delivered the kind of blistering tech funk that sounds like she's taken the raw essence of Chicago's Warehouse and time-warped it to 2023 with the style and panache of a seasoned professional. Razor-sharp beats, rubbery Juno bass and Yazmina's stone-cold killer original vocal make for a banger we can hear everyone from Gideon to Guetta playing.

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